Social Media Daily

Buy Instagram Views for Videos

Instagram videos are the new photos. They tend to trigger more interaction and are particularly apt for marketing purposes. Since the number of views is publicly visible, there is also quite some pressure to succeed. With little effort, you can help things get going. All you need to do is buy Instagram views to kickstart your videos.

Why Buy Instagram Views at Social Media Daily?

  • You save time & effort ✓
  • You will see results very fast ✓
  • Also works with IGTV ✓
  • Secure & discreet – protected by the German data privacy act ✓
  • Your order will be checked manually ✓
  • Free support & customized solutions ✓

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How can I pay my order?

We offer the following payment methods:

• PayPal
• Credit Card
• Sofort
• Giropay
• iDeal
• Bancontact
• Bank Transfer

Where do the Instagram views come from?

They are international Instagram users, that are registered in exchange networks and receive a gratification upon playing your video.

I don't want to receive all views at once. Is this possible?

You can choose the desired delivery period for all view packages (not including our free trial). Unfortunately, for technical reasons, the drip-feed delivery is not possible for IG TV links and the views for IG TV posts will be delivered fairly fast.

Does my profile need to be public?

Yes. We cannot deliver likes for private profiles.

Can I distribute the views among several videos?

Yes, starting from certain package sizes, you can distribute the views among up to five URLs. Once you have chosen the suitable package size, the option for adding additional URLs appears as a "+" symbol on the right side of the URL input field.

Are the users interested in my video?

Unfortunately, we cannot deliver targeted views. It can happen that a user will be interested in your video. However, this is rather an exception than the rule.

What are the advantages of buying views?

Buying views has above all a cosmetic value. The more views you have, the more worthwhile your video seems to be – provided you also have many likes and comments.

I don't find the right package for my needs. What can I do?

For custom offers or flat rates, you can write us an email at

I completed my order, but nothing happened yet. When does the increase begin?

We are double checking all orders manually. The increase usually begins within 24 hours upon completion of your order. However, in some cases, it can take up to three days, for example on national holidays and weekends. The time of delivery noted in the sales box applies once we have started processing your order. For urgent matters, we recommend you to choose the option "premium delivery" in the shopping cart.

Does Social Media Daily belong to Instagram?

No. We expressively state that we do not represent any of the networks that are part of our services.

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  • Phone- & Livechat-Support 8-20h CET
  • Choose delivery time
Time to start: Ø 10 min.
Average time until delivery starts
Time to complete: Ø 60 min.
Average time until order is completed (after start)
Extra options such as choosing delivery duration or a preferred gender are available for normal orders only.
Choose delivery time and additional options
Choose delivery method
Standard: processing time as displayed
Express: faster booking with priority over standard orders
More Information
Price: 2,90 €
incl. taxes, no further costs

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Why You Should Buy Instagram Video Views

The screenshot shows the number of views of an Instagram video, which increases when you buy Instagram views
What is this product about?

Does your Instagram video get seen? Or overlooked? Since the number of Instagram video views is publicly available, influencers are under a certain pressure. In addition to the number of Instagram followers, views are increasingly becoming the bar of success. Or failure. We'll give you tips on how to reach a larger audience with your Instagram video and why you should buy Instagram views for that.

Moving Images Are Booming

With the introduction of the video feature in 2013, five million videos were uploaded on Instagram – within the first 24 hours. Even though photos continue to account for much of the more than 95 million daily uploads (as of fall 2016), the Instagram video is on the rise.

And it’s ideal for marketing purposes. Although you can display your product wonderfully in a photo, you can show how it works much better by using an Instagram video. Even video messages to your Instagram followers or insights into the production are simple means for more engagement, which is why it's a good idea to buy Instagram views.

Speaking of which: the engagement with brands is ten times higher on Instagram than on Facebook, 54 times higher than on Pinterest and 84 times higher than on Twitter. If you don’t seize the opportunity here, you’ll miss out on some real opportunities. Would you like to try it? Or is your Instagram video just not really getting the desired spark? Then you should follow these tips for more Instagram video views.

This Is How You’ll Get More Instagram Video Views

The prerequisite for successful video marketing is obvious: really good content! This is not necessarily about high quality – views come to those that are authentic, above all. High gloss videos, such as image films, belong on your website or YouTube channel.

Much more important than the pure form is the content itself. Does your Instagram video add value? Do you reveal something about yourself or your company that can’t be found anywhere else? If you understand how to catch the attention of your Instagram followers, you’ve already won half the battle. In addition to this, you should:

1. Use Trendy Hashtags

Twitter invented the hashtags. However, on Instagram, they have become a real hype. Some people even overdo it. 30 hashtags per picture or video really aren’t necessary. #picoftheday, for example, will be of little help as almost every Instagram user uses the same hashtag. When searching for it, you won’t stand out.

Five hashtags are more than enough. They should a) really match the content and b) be trendy, too, of course. You can use the search box to search for trending topics and use suitable hashtags for your Instagram video. Or you can set a main hashtag that you use over and over. This will increase the recognition value.

2. Mention Influencers

Anyone who says ‘Instagram’ is likely to also mention ‘influencers’ in the same sentence. They also exist on YouTube, but on Instagram, they are virtually part of the inventory. You can take advantage of influencers by tagging them in your Instagram video. If an influencer is convinced, so are thousands more users shortly after.

Here, again, the following applies: the content must be right. If you produce drills and tag an influencer for cosmetics just because he or she is famous, it’ll be of little benefit to you.

3. Optimize The Description

With all the effort you put into your Instagram video, you should not forget one thing: the image description! Photos are usually self-explanatory. But for videos, the description shouldn’t be missing. We do need a reason to click ‘play’, after all. The important thing is: do not pre-empt the punch line. Why watch the video if the outcome is already obvious?

The image description should make users curious. Ideally within the first sentence. The most important info must appear before the ‘Show More...’ button. Your Instagram followers don’t always have the time or feel like reading through everything in detail. Keyword: competition. The most important thing? The first prize and participation deadline. How they can win you will then reveal in the video.

4. Post At The Right Time

A much discussed topic. The more you search Google for the right time to post your Instagram content, the more answers you’ll find. The problem? The group that was studied for these answers is always a different one. Target groups differ heavily.

Most people tend to be online in the afternoons and evenings; however, you cannot get around precisely analyzing your target group. For example, if you sew baby clothes, you should adapt your posting times to the daily routine of new mothers.  

5. Use Different Platforms

A network seldom comes alone. For successful social media marketing, you need to be present and active on the most popular platforms. You can make your Instagram video available to your Twitter followers by linking both apps. Whatever you post on Instagram will then automatically end up on Twitter. And will be spread here, too, through Twitter retweets.

This also works on Facebook and other platforms, of course. What’s important is that you choose a different address on each platform. Facebook users tend to be older, are happy to receive detailed information and like to be addressed more formally. Instagram is younger, more visual and prefers an informal address. 

6. Buy Instagram Ads

With the takeover by Facebook, Instagram has been expanded by a key element: ads! Anyone who uses the Ad Manager on Facebook will also find the option to run Instagram Ads there. There isn’t a separate button on Instagram (yet).

Instagram ads appear in the users’ news feed and don’t differ from other posts except for the small ‘Sponsored’ note. It is also important to choose a similar image or video language. As a result, advertising is hardly noticeable (in the negative sense) and is therefore perceived as less intrusive.

7. Buy Instagram Video Views

Instagram ads can cost you a fair bit of money in the long run – and do not always lead to the desired result. It’s quicker and cheaper if you buy Instagram video views to begin with. Once the number of views has increased, your video will be much more appealing to other users and collect more Instagram likes. The idea is that what is seen often, also must be worth seeing. Whether consciously or unconsciously – people are influenced by the trends and opinions of their fellow human beings.

What’s more, many video views also increase interaction. The more Instagram likes and comments you receive, the more relevant your content seems to be. This in turn increases the reach which is likely to get you a few new Instagram followers. 

When You Buy Instagram Views…

… all you need to do is provide us with Instagram video URL, enter your billing address information and choose a payment method. We’ll do the rest. We’re almost as fast as instant delivery services – the little extra time it takes we spend on manually checking your order to see everything’s correct. Our service guarantee to you!

Depending on your needs, you can choose between different package sizes when buying Instagram views. 1000 Instagram video views are good if you’re starting off. And we always include some bonus views as well as free Instagram likes in the views package. This way, the overall appearance adds up: #authenticity.

By the way: our service also works with IGTV videos. You can now buy IGTV views from us. 

If you need more than the additional Instagram likes, buy them from us, too. In addition to this, you can also buy Instagram comments. This will give your followers a further impulse to participate in the discussion of your Instagram video, which then helps increasing interaction – one of the main driving forces for greater reach.

Buy Instagram Followers For More Success

If you want to further optimize your Instagram profile, you can also buy Instagram followers. After all, this is still the number that everyone competes over in the high quality photo app. By the way: many people buy Instagram followers to give the hype about their own profile a bit of help. With nearly a billion registered users, the competition is simply too big to wait for a long time.

You would like to buy Instagram likes, video views or followers, but you still have questions? Feel free to speak to us. We are available by phone and live chat. You can also send us an email at any time or use the contact form on our homepage before you buy Instagram views. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

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